Site Management

Site Management Article
Everything is in place, the budget is ready with the workforce and materials all ready to roll. Kevin McCloud says in his book (Grand Designs Handbook) “building a house is akin to building a rocket ship in fourteenth century Albania”… And it really can seem like that at times! 
However, if all the planning has been carried out properly, there should be few surprises at this point. It should be known by now whether the site and design are feasible. Any changes that were required as a result of the investigations will have been fully incorporated within the Design, Cost Plan and Programme.
It should also be known how long the project should take and when each segment should occur. All the work package contractors should have been notified of the start date and all the suppliers should be aware that the construction phase is about to begin.
Whoever is going to run the site on a daily basis should be set up in the site office with the phone and laptop all fired up and prepared for action. 
The storage containers and the welfare facilities should be plumbed in and wired up. The first set of contractors should be on site ready to begin. They will have been briefed on the Health & Safety regime and they will have been instructed on what they are doing and in what order.
Who is going to do this? Who is directing the day to day operations and how? If the owner is doing it themselves, do they have the necessary technical experience? Do they have the required managerial skills and programming know-how? Do they have the ability to act quickly and calmly when problems occur and panic abounds? 
That’s a lot of questions and they all need answering if the project is to be a success. It’s great being prepared in advance, but maintaining a healthy project is going to require the use of all of a great deal of skills in a continuous reassessment of progress.
The following article is an extensive explanation of  Site Management. How it is carried out. What it achieves and what it provides for the Client and the project as a whole. 
As usual this is pretty heavy reading, so settle back and good luck.

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