Paying the bills on time is essential to maintain the relationships with both suppliers and contractors. So funds need to be in place when required.
There are several ways of doing this. Clients can either set up their own banking and pay all bills when due and when requested by us, or they can leave the whole thing to us.
This is easily achieved by Clients setting up a separate dedicated project bank account with an online provider such as Starling or Chase Banks. We would be signatories to that account, which allows us efficient access to funds. This enables us to make material purchases and pay the sub-contractors when bills are due. It also allows us to grab special deals when they become available.
The online status of that account is always fully visible to you, for checking at any time you wish. All that we ask is that the account is kept topped up with the correct amount of funds, to enable us to work efficiently on your behalf. The continually updated cashflow forecast section of the Gantt Chart programme control helps with this.
We fully understand concerns about handing over control of this process. However, efficiency in financial control is critical to the smooth operation of the project, and besides, the level of funding in that account is entirely under your control.